Every first Tuesday of the month

While we usually meet the first Tuesday of the month we've put our meetings on hold since June. Among the few reasons has been the difficulty to find a location where we can do presentations and have drinks (eventualy food) without bothering the other guests.

Meeting location

We currently have no venue, but can always look for a place should we have a special event.

If you are interested to present something to our group and discuss anything related to Free Software or GNU/Linux with our members, please feel free to contact us through our mailing list.


This year FOSSASIA is happening in Phnom Penh and definitely a great opportunity to meet not only the local FOSS contributors but also people in the region who spend their time and dedication to FOSS. Just to mention a few of them FOSSASIA will bring to Cambodia MariaDB contributor Charles Colin, FirefoxOS Alex Hecht but also members of the Fedora project, former GSoC participants, Wordpress developers and so on. Definitely a great insight into the many projects that make our daily use. We will also be there and talk more about the Greenboard project, our developments with Rithy, and some of the opportunities available here in Cambodia. So please keep posted and don't miss out the many opportunities to be part of this conference!