Every first Tuesday of the month

While we usually meet the first Tuesday of the month we've put our meetings on hold since June. Among the few reasons has been the difficulty to find a location where we can do presentations and have drinks (eventualy food) without bothering the other guests.

Meeting location

We currently have no venue, but can always look for a place should we have a special event.

If you are interested to present something to our group and discuss anything related to Free Software or GNU/Linux with our members, please feel free to contact us through our mailing list.

MoonosIt is with great pleasure that we're going to host the website and discussion forum for Moonos as their current free host is proving not reliable enough. Moonos is a lightweight Linux distribution maintained by our famous local hero Rithy and optimized for the Khmer language. The site is being installed at the moment and we'll get you updated with more news as the project gets familiar with its new home. PPLUG is definitely honored to be able to contribute to a Cambodian originated Linux and Open Source project!